Project Management

 Project Management

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Learning About Project Management

Project Management has become more and more popular as a thought framework in recent years.  It can be attributed to our world's pace of change, pandemics like COVID, and also the many needs organizations now have to become more efficient.  

Sometimes events take place to make us change how we look at the world.  But, more often, it seems we learn new ways to think and adapt at just exactly the right time we need to implement them.  Ideas like Project Management as a body of knowledge have their own life cycle, just as any thought framework which can help us organize knowledge in a world hungry to understand itself.

This blog is new - meaning I'm starting today.  I have spent the last 30 years learning, practicing, re-learning, correcting myself and others in the discipline of project management.  I've joined the ranks of serious practitioners who are also certified by the Project Management Institute.  

The articles that appear here over the next few months will be a review of some of the lessons I've learned.  Your experience may be different.  Feel free to comment about that.  Project Management is bigger than both of us.  So much more remains as its practice is being mastered by people everywhere.


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